Sunday, October 07, 2007

Cooking Leddeg (Snails) in an Ilocano Style

By Charmaine Dizon

Ilocanos have this recipe which they call leddeg, an ilocano term for snails. It is called that way basically because the main ingredient for this recipe is the leddegs which can be commonly found in farms or in places with tubig tabang.

This recipe is really affordable because it only needs simple ingredients with cheap price; the leddegs which only amounts P10.00 per sukat (size of a small can of a condensed milk), bagoong, and ginger.

Aside from being affordable, it is also easy to cook; requiring simple steps to follow. First, you only have to boil water with the ginger. Then after that, put the bagoong and let it boil again. The final step is putting the leddegs and cooking it for about three minutes or until it boils. And presto, this Ilocano dish is ready to eat!

I have tried eating these leddegs for many times and I can attest that it really tastes good. And aside from the taste, you will also enjoy sipping it in order for the meat of these leddegs to come out from their shells. But if you are in a hurry, you can use a toothpick to make the task easier for you =). So why don’t you try it? Nagimas as the Ilocanos say! =)

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